Thursday, November 15, 2012

Rhyme With Reason: House-Hunting Words

If you've ever read one of my "Rhyme With Reason" posts in the past, you'll already know that I am going to list a series of words which rhyme which are related in some way to each other or tie into a unified theme.

As you may remember from the day before yesterday, my wife and I are attempting to find a new place to live in a little over four weeks, when the sale of our current house closes. We've seen at least 12 houses in a two-night period now, so some of them are running together in our minds, while a select few truly stand out.

Today's theme will be words that can be used to describe our house-hunting experience. Some words may describe the houses themselves, while others may describe our thoughts and feelings in relation to this harrowing process of house-hunting.

1)  Dated:  Some of the houses were older and hadn't been updated since the 1970s or 1980s. Those were not such great choices for us. You might also say that they were outdated.

2)  Bated:  For about 48 hours (between Sunday afternoon and Tuesday evening), we waited with bated breath to see if the potential buyers of our house were going to accept our counteroffer or propose a counteroffer of their own. (They counteroffered, we countered back, and struck a deal.)

3)  Hated:  There was one house out in the country that looked like it was literally falling apart. We didn't make it past the front threshold before realizing that we hated it.

4)  Elated:  When we found out that our counteroffer to their counteroffer had been accepted, we were elated.

5)  Gated:  Our budget is not nearly large enough to live in a gated community. So we haven't even looked in any of those.

6)  Overrated:  Some houses we've seen are priced way above tax value for no discernible reason. Maybe it's the location or maybe it's just overzealous sellers, but these houses are overrated and their prices are inflated. What we need to find is a house that's excellent inside and out, but is priced well below tax value. In other words, a house that is underrated.

7)  Vacated:  Many of the houses we've looked at have already been vacated by the previous owners. Which makes it much easier to envision our stuff in the space. You might say these houses have been blank-slated.

8)  Slated:  Speaking of which, we are slated to see another handful of houses this afternoon and tonight. Hopefully, seeing even more houses in a short amount of time will help us make our decision and not cause us to become jaded (okay, it's a near rhyme, but work with me here).

9)  Debated:  After seeing several lower-priced houses on Monday, we debated about increasing our budget a bit to include houses that were more "move-in ready." Ultimately, we decided we might be able to afford a little bit more, which created a lot more options for us.

10)  Negated:  Some houses had huge bedrooms but a smaller kitchen and living spaces, both of which are extremely important to us. In these houses, the negatives all but negated the positives. And we ruled them out.

11)  Deflated:  At the end of a three-hour marathon session of house-hunting, we are quite exhausted and overloaded with information. We feel deflated, mentally and physically. At the same time, we're almost thinking too much to be able to relax and sleep well. In other circumstances (like, if one of the two of us wasn't seven months pregnant), we might do well to be sedated.

12)  Fated:  I don't believe in fate, per se, but for the sake of rhyming, we'll simply say that the house that we're fated to live in is out there somewhere. We may have seen it already, or we may see it for the first time tonight or tomorrow or Saturday. God's will is going to be done in all this, no matter how hard the process may be in getting there. We're trusting, we're praying, we're thinking, and we're looking. And it will happen. In His timing.

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