Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Things I Find Fascinating: Funny Church Signs's time for another pictures post. I posted a few of these a few months ago, but didn't include any of these particular signs at the time. There's tons more of these that I could have chosen, but several of them are in particularly bad taste (at least, the connotations are) and I didn't feel that they'd be appropriate to post here. That being said, enjoy!

What is this, Snoop Dogg's home church or something?

You know, it's not nice to talk bad about your pastor...

Alrighty then...

Can't argue with the logic. But they could've said it a bit nicer.

Is this really an appropriate topic for a church service?

They probably could have just stopped 
at "Beware Of The Naked Person"...

The entirety of what?

But in the courtroom, we'll deny that it ever happened...

Dyslexic sign changer?

Your honesty is refreshing!


Is this a "how-to" or a "how-not-to" class? '

Welcome to our church...or not...whatever.

OK, except that you still misspelled it. It's H-A-N-U-K-K-A-H.

I think there's a misspelling here too. The church's name
should have read: "Ambien Presbyterian Church."


The fact that the preacher even felt the need
to preach this sermon is extremely disturbing!

You know, I've never thought about that, but now that
you've brought it up, I won't sleep till I figure it out!

If you say so...

Not very comforting...

Congratulations, you're an idiot!

This would go over well here in Pirate Nation...

When they sing "Lord, I Lift Your 
Name On High," they mean it!

We can't seem to recall their names. We just 
know they're not white like the rest of us.

Clever, but a tad pushy.

Dang, that's harsh!

Apparently, I was mistaken earlier.
This is Snoop Dogg's home church!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A Conversation In Song Titles Using Songs By The Beatles

This is your classic Boy-Meets-Girl-But-Girl-Won't-Give-Boy-The-Time-Of-Day Love/Anti-Love Story. The dialogue is composed entirely from the titles of songs written and/or recorded by The Beatles. Enjoy!

BOY:  Hello, Little Girl.

GIRL:  Hello, Goodbye.

BOY:  What Goes On?

GIRL:  Don't Bother Me.

BOY:  Do You Want To Know A Secret?

GIRL:  That's All Right.

BOY:  I Wanna Be Your Man.

GIRL:  Not A Second Time!

BOY:  I Want To Tell You...

GIRL:  You Like Me Too Much.

BOY:  I Want To Hold Your Hand.

GIRL:  Everybody's Trying To Be My Baby.

BOY:  How Do You Do It?

GIRL:  I'm Talking About You.

BOY:  I Just Don't Understand.

GIRL:  You've Got To Hide Your Love Away.

BOY:  Tell Me Why.

GIRL:  Some Other Guy.

BOY:  Honey, Don't.

GIRL:  Ask Me Why.

BOY:  You Won't See Me?

GIRL:  It's All Too Much!

BOY:  It's Only Love.

GIRL:  Let It Be.

BOY:  You Really Got A Hold On Me!

GIRL:  You Can't Do That.

BOY:  Tell Me Why.

GIRL:  I Should Have Known Better...

BOY:  Oh! Darling.

GIRL:  I'll Be On My Way.

BOY:  Don't Pass Me By.

GIRL:  Get Back!

BOY:  I'm Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry Over You.

GIRL:  Carry That Weight.

BOY:  So How Come No One Loves Me?

GIRL:  Think For Yourself!

BOY:  I'm A Loser?

GIRL:  Baby, You're A Rich Man!

BOY:  I Am The Walrus?

GIRL:  Something.

BOY:  Tell Me What You See.

GIRL:  This Boy.

BOY:  Too Much Monkey Business! Tell Me Why!

GIRL:  What You're Doing...

BOY:  I'm In Love!

GIRL:  That Means A Lot....I'll Be On My Way.

BOY:  Don't Let Me Down!

GIRL:  I'll Follow The Sun.

BOY:  I'll Keep You Satisfied. I Will!

GIRL:  Good Day, Sunshine.

BOY:  Wait! We Can Work It Out!

GIRL:  The. End.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Just For Fun: 10 Contradictory Road Signs

I'm tired this morning, so I'm keeping it simple. I've done "signs" posts before, but to my knowledge I've never posted any of these. You may get a few chuckles out of them. Or not. Either way, here they are. Happy Monday?

Brain implosion in 3...2...1...

Okay, so it's not technically a road sign. But
it's funny and fits the theme, so there ya go...

Then what are you supposed to do?
Just sit around and talk about hunting?

Alive or newly dead? Which is it? 
Maybe undead? Zombie chickens?

 Hey, they never said it was 24 hours in a row!

I think I'm going to need it!

If you're going to break the rules anyway,
at least abide by the other rule. Thank you!

Okie doke, I'll just stay right where I am...

What "other times" are left?

This probably explains the dents in the signs...

Sunday, December 16, 2012

10 Short Poems For Sandy Hook

All in a matter
Of minutes
They went
From education
To execution
From learning
To bleeding
From here
To gone.
Too soon.

But the questions
That we had at first
We'll still have
For years to come.
No reason
Is good enough.
No motive
Is strong enough.
No answer
Is clear enough.
But it happened

Call on God
To heal your heart
He's still there
He hasn't left.
Tears and prayers
Don't hit the stairs
And bounce back
Off your chest.

Days like these
Make us long
For the next life
One where there's
No death
No pain
No tears.
In the meantime
We do the best
We can to fathom
The unthinkable.

Every time I hear the news
Another shooting here or there
I try to put myself in their shoes
Feel as they feel, care as they care.
This time it was not so hard
(A father soon I'm going to be)
I can imagine how they felt
Looking for their babies.
Awaiting word that they've been found
Wanting to believe that they're alright
Identifying all that's left
Of all too young a precious life.

Find a place
In your heart
To forgive
It's a start
It will take
Time to heal
But I believe
Someday you will.

In the shadow
Of the valley
As the angry
Tears flow down
He is with you
Arms around you
There to catch you
If you go down.

My heart goes out
To those whose light
Has dimmed.
A gentle soul
(Young or old)
Has passed from
Their midst and
All that's left
Is emptiness.
I can only imagine.

The numbers are staggering
Outrage is overwhelming
Fears are mounting
Copycats are preparing
This world is frightening
But one thing is comforting
When silence is deafening
God's still in control.

There are no words
Only beating fists
Tight embraces
And bitter tears.
Later the words will come
And they will not be nice.
But perhaps one day

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oddball Quotes By Famous People Having Bad Hair Days

 "Most people my age spend a lot of time thinking about what
they're going to do for the next five or ten years. The time
they spend thinking about their life, I just spend drinking."  
~  Amy Winehouse, singer/songwriter
(died of alcohol poisoning, by the way)

"All due respect, and trying to be as
modest as I can be: I am a dancer." 
 ~  Al Pacino, actor

"I get nervous when I don't get nervous."  
~  BeyoncĂ© Knowles, pop star

"Money doesn't talk. It swears." 
 ~  Bob Dylan, singer/songwriter

"I'm not just another bimbo."  
~  Christina Aguilera, pop star

"Do you mind if I sit back a little? 
Because your breath is very bad."
 ~  Donald Trump, businessman

"I like free gowns."  
~  Courtney Love, rock singer

"My dark side, my shadow, my lower
companion is now in the back room 
blowing up balloons for kids' parties."  
~  Gary Busey, actor

"I don't want to ever, ever do something
in life that isn't fun. Ever." 
 ~  Jennifer Love Hewitt, actress

"The one thing that can solve most
 of our problems is dancing." 
 ~  James Brown, singer/dancer

"Have you ever felt like a phone 
call that's been disconnected?" 
 ~  Shannen Doherty, actress

"I'm not Jack Nicholson. I'm not 
Brando. But I do mumble."  
~  Benicio del Toro, actor

"I go through life like a Karate Kid."  
~  Britney Spears, pop star

"I never felt comfortable in real life very well. 
It's always been an awkward kind of thing for me."  
~  Nick Nolte, actor

"Today, I may very well lose my mind."  
~  Kate Gosselin, reality TV star

"I'm not a bona fide human being."  
~  Phil Spector, music producer

"I hate children! I hate them all!"  
~  Lindsay Lohan, actress

"Life's an irrational obsession."  
~  Sean Penn, actor

"You can't live a positive life with a negative mind and if
you have a positive outcome you have a positive income and
just to have more positivity and just to kind of laugh it off."  
~  Miley Cyrus, pop star

"I'm not familiar precisely with what I said, 
but I'll stand by what I said, whatever it was."  
~  Mitt Romney, politician