Thursday, March 15, 2012

Short Story: "The Chase"

Okay, so it's been a weird day and I'm quickly running out of hours to get a blog post in, so out of desperation here's another short story I've written recently. More like a scene or a dialogue, actually. No, it's not based on my own life or the life of anyone I know. I made it all up. This one's a little happier than most of my pieces. I must have been having a good day when I wrote it. I dunno. Hope you enjoy!


"You may as well give up," she said, eyeing him with a look that left no room for dissent. "You're never going to catch me."

"I will if you'll just stop running," he pleaded.

"And where's the fun in that?" she answered.

"That's easy for you to say," he said, with an exasperated sigh.

"Yes, it is," she teased. With a quick wink, she took off again.

An after-work stroll around the lake had been her idea, and as it turned out, had been the perfect setting for a chase. They'd been at this for nearly an hour now.

The problem was simple, yet irresolvable. He wanted to kiss her, and she did not wish to be kissed. Normally, she didn't mind him kissing her; in fact, she liked it.

But he had been too wrapped up in his projects at work of late, and she had been feeling neglected. They hadn't even been on a date in months. Now he wanted to show his affection with cheap, easy physicality, and she wanted him to earn it.

"Okay, I'll let you kiss me," she said, smiling. The moment he leaned in toward her, she pulled back and put a finger to his lips. "But first, answer me this."

"Come on, why are you doing this to me?" he said. She frowned. Whininess did not become him.

"That's it precisely. Why am I doing this to you?" She tightened her smile, trying hard not to giggle, as that would ruin the moment.

"You're going to make me guess?" he said, incredulous.

"You shouldn't have to guess. You should already know," she replied.

"All right, all right, I'm sorry!" he said, thinking he'd be let off easy if he gave in.

"Sorry for what?" She giggled just a little, unable to suppress it any longer.

"Now you're mocking me!" he cried, with a hint of genuine anger in his voice. Better pull back just a little.

"I'm not mocking you. I just want to know why you're sorry.  Did you do something wrong?"

"I don't know," he said. "Did I?"

"What do you think?" She evened the tone of her voice, trying to sound neither flirty nor scolding.

"I think I probably did, seeing as how you won't let me kiss you."

She leaned forward and pecked him on the lips. Before he had time to respond, she pulled away again.

"I don't...what do – what's going on here?" He looked genuinely bemused.

"You said you wanted a kiss," she reasoned. "I gave you a kiss. What's the problem?"

"You didn't give me a chance to kiss you back."

"Sorry," she smiled, and walked away from him.

"Hang on a second," he called after her. "If you've got something on your mind, why don't you just say it?"

"Why did you marry me?" she blurted out, unable to think of a more gradual lead-in.

Taken aback, he approached her again, saying, "Where did that come from?"

"Just answer the question."

"Why did I marry you? Because I loved you. I mean, I still love you." He started to speak again, but seemed to have run out of words. He shrugged, appeared to be about to say something else, but stopped again.

"Anything else you want to add to that?" she asked, slightly arching an eyebrow.

"I...I married you because you were everything I had ever hoped for in a woman, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you."

"Doing what exactly?"

"Everything," he said simply, as though that were actually an answer. She waited. "You know, candlelight dinners, picnics in the park, romantic stuff like that. Like we used to do when we were dating."

"Like we used to do when we were dating," she repeated, nodding thoughtfully. "Interesting."

"Why do you say it like that?" He seemed to be catching on, at least a little.

"When's the last time we had one of those infamous picnics in the park?" Her intense stare challenged him to speak truthfully.

"I don't know exactly. It's been a while." He met her gaze, then looked away nervously. "Is that it? You wanna go on a picnic?"

"Not particularly," she replied simply, and softened her stare a little.

"You wanna have a candlelight dinner?" he tried.

"No, but you're getting warmer."

"A candlelight picnic, then?" Now he arched his eyebrows, and she couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

"You're silly," she said with a smile.

“What is it then?”

"I want us to spend more time with each other,” she stated. It doesn't matter what we're doing. We could be filing our taxes together for all I care – as long as we're together. I miss our 'us time.'"

"We have been kind of living separate lives for a while, haven't we?" he muttered. She nodded wryly. "I don't like that either."

"Then what are we going to do about it?" she said. "Your work projects are not simply going to go away."

"No," he replied, "but I don't have to spend as much time doing them. I can come home at a decent hour. We can actually have supper together for a change. And I can stop bringing my work home on the weekends, too. That'll give us more time for all those romantic candlelight picnics we're gonna have!"

She shoved him playfully, and laughed out loud for the first time in a long time.

He was not an easy laugher, but even he could not resist the silliness of the moment. Just like old times. "Now how about that kiss?"

She looked into his eyes, mulling over the question in her mind, and replied simply, "Maybe."

Then she took off again. And he pursued her.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Laughing Hyena Who Could Only Smile AND The Donkey Who Heard Wedding Bells

And now for your amusement, I present two brand-spanking-new short-short stories about animals. Hope you'll enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them...


Aldo sat back on his haunches and sighed sadly. What good was a laughing hyena that couldn’t laugh? He was getting old. When he was a cub, he could laugh like nobody’s business. Even when nothing was funny, Aldo could cackle with the best of them. But he’d strained his cackler during the last hunt, and was recovering so slowly he didn’t think he’d ever speak again, much less laugh. Not only that, but his mate had left him for another male and there wasn’t much to laugh about anymore. Jana had been a good partner all these years, but she had never been all that faithful. Now she was gone for good. What was worse, she had taken the cubs with her. Aldo didn’t even have joint custody. The judge said since he couldn’t hold down a steady job catching prey and couldn’t laugh properly, that Aldo was an unfit father. Unfit father, my hindquarters, he thought. Only one thing kept Aldo from utter despair, and the thought of it brought – if not a laugh – a hearty smile to his face. Bruce, the male hyena that Jana had taken up with, was hiding a dirty little secret. While he wasn’t showing any outward signs of it, Aldo knew that Bruce had full-fledged rabies. Jana didn’t know, of course, and wouldn’t – not until she was infected herself. As much as he still loved Jana, Aldo could only see this as her punishment for betraying him. Of course, it would be hard on the cubs losing their mother and their stepfather, but they’d be all right in time. Especially when they came back home to Papa Aldo. He’d protect them from harm till they were big enough to fend for themselves. One day, Aldo thought, when all this is over, the cubs and I – who won’t be cubs anymore, but brothers in the pack – will look back on this and laugh. Time heals all wounds, and most cacklers.


I’m not usually one to kiss and bray, but sometimes something so wonderful happens to you that you just have to tell someone. So I’m telling you. I hope you don’t mind my confession. You see, I’ve fallen in love with the most beautiful jenny I ever laid eyes on. Her name is Stella, and I know – I just know – she’s the one for me. Now I can already guess what you’re thinking – old Calvin is just a regular jack, nothing special to look at, and that’s true. So why on earth would a beautiful jenny like Stella waste her time on someone like me. Honestly, I’ve been asking myself the same question – what does she see in me? I have unusually short ears, I limp when I trot, and I’m stubborn as a mule, no familial pun intended. But for some reason, things most donkeys would consider shortcomings Stella considers qualities to be commended. Plus, she brays that she likes my smile. I didn’t even know I could smile, let alone that it was anything worth looking at. But I guess she’s seen enough smiles from me these past few weeks to know that she likes what she sees. And why not? I’ve sure been happy enough. Did I tell you about her eyes? They’re the biggest, brownest eyes you could imagine, and they’re lovely. Stella’s working her way through community college – she only has one semester left (she’s studying to be a beast of burden) – and as soon as she graduates, we’re going to be married. I already asked her and everything, and she brayed that of course she wanted to spend the rest of her life with me – can you believe that? I know that all this means I’m going to have to get a better job, maybe work longer hours, but it’s worth it. I look into Stella’s eyes and nothing else matters to me. I’ve met my soulmate, and now my future can finally begin.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Man's Man?

The other day, in the midst of general conversation, a friend of mine referred to me as "a man's man." For some reason, this designation immediately struck me as odd. I wasn't sure whether my confusion stemmed from the fact that I never personally thought of myself in that way, or because I knew they were wrong and couldn't possibly fathom why they would think that I was anything other than what I actually am.

Which got me thinking:  If I'm not "a man's man", then what the heck am I? I've never really given much thought to the varying types of masculinity; I've merely accepted them for what they are, and accepted the people I know for who they are. But guys really are very different from each other in many ways.*

In researching this post online, I found an article written by a guy named Luigi Di Serio entitled, "What It Takes To Be A Real Man." In it, Di Serio lists the four types of males as he sees them – he calls it the Male Matrix.

First of all, there's The Wussy (or alternately The Geek). This type of male is described as being "so reserved and self-loathing that he has essentially 'given up' and is neither driven nor passionate." The Wussy is "very needy" and "fueled by insecurity". In relation to the opposite sex, Di Serio says that "women are seldom attracted to The Wussy and men rarely respect them."

Then you have The Metrosexual. This relatively new moniker for heterosexual males is used to describe a man who has "decided that conforming to women's demands and behaviors is the easiest way to win them over." This type of guy has been "adversely affected by social pressures and Unisexification" (whatever that means). He lacks "normal masculine interests" and is perceived to "act gay" even though he isn't.

Next comes The Macho Man. This guy "has a lot of qualities that can be attractive to women, but only because they are usually opposite qualities than women have." Like The Wussy, The Macho Man is motivated by insecurity. However, The Macho Man's insecurity is manifested not by being a pushover, but by maintaining "a tough exterior to protect his weak, apprehensive self." The Macho Man is often abusive and extremely selfish; but because he doesn't behave this way all the time (only when it's to his advantage), he is often perceived to be just a "regular guy."

The Real Man is described by Di Serio as a confident male who believes in himself and stands up for what he believes in, while allowing others to do the same. The Real Man is able to enjoy himself, but is "not controlled by emotional impulses." He is "in control, but [is] not controlling."

While the article doesn't ever use the phrase "a man's man", my general understanding of that term seems to peg it somewhere between The Macho Man and The Real Man.

So where does all this leave me?

Fortunately, Di Serio includes a chart which demonstrates how various characteristics and traits typically manifest themselves in the behavior of each type of male. It's sort of a checkoff list where you can easily identify which kind of guy you are (if you're a guy), or which kind of guy your significant other is (if you're a lady). Of course, like any personality test, it's not foolproof. But it is interesting nonetheless to self-evaluate based on specific qualities (or lack thereof).

The actual chart can be found at the site linked at the end of this post. I won't reproduce it here, but I will highlight each category mentioned by Di Serio.


PERSONALITY:  The Wussy is passive, while The Metrosexual is flaky. The Macho Man is aggressive, whereas The Real Man is stern.

BRAVERY:  The Wussy is cowardly (no surprise there!), whereas The Metrosexual is worrisome. The Macho Man is reckless, while The Real Man is courageous.

SOCIAL SKILLS:  The Wussy is timid, The Metrosexual is relaxed, the Macho Man is obnoxious, and The Real Man is approachable.

WORK ETHIC:  The Wussy is a workaholic, while The Metrosexual is only working for the money. The Macho Man is lazy, whereas The Real Man gets the job done.

GENEROSITY:  The Wussy is a giver (to excess), whereas The Metrosexual tends to be cheap or exhibits selective generosity. The Macho Man is a taker, while The Real Man makes compromises.

PHYSICAL PROWESS:  The Wussy is (not surprisingly) a pushover, while The Metrosexual tends to be more reactive than proactive. The Macho Man is aggressive, whereas The Real Man is honorable.

SEXUALITY:  The Wussy is restrained, the Metrosexual is eager to please, the Macho Man is dominant, and The Real Man is in control.

SENSE OF FREEDOM:  The Wussy is oppressed, while The Metrosexual is very liberal. The Macho Man is exploitive, whereas The Real Man is respectful.

EXPRESSION OF DESIRES:  The Wussy is repressed, whereas The Metrosexual is rash. The Macho Man is obsessive, while The Real Man is moderate.

HONESTY:  The Wussy is transparent, while The Metrosexual is ambiguous. The Macho Man is outright deceptive, while The Real Man is fair.

REASON:  The Wussy is data-driven, whereas The Metrosexual is plain ignorant. The Macho Man is arrogant, while The Real Man is wise.

HUMOR:  The Wussy tends to have a nerdy sense of humor, while The Metrosexual's is more silly or absurd. The Macho Man's sense of humor is rude and offensive, while The Real Man's is tasteful.


I went through each of these traits evaluating myself, but ultimately found the results to be inconclusive. While I'm fairly timid, repressed, and data-driven like The Wussy, I'm also flaky, worrisome, cheap, reactive, and ambiguous like The Metrosexual. Sometimes I'm lazy like The Macho Man, and sometimes I get the job done like The Real Man.

Di Serio concedes that many guys don't fit neatly into any one of these categories. For the guys like myself who possess "a variety of traits and virtues from each", there's the fifth and probably most common type of guy: The Average Male.

I'm good with that one. I've never aspired to be (nor been successful in being) extraordinary in anything; nor have I attempted to be (or succeeded at being) nothing at all. I'm somewhere in between. I think we all are.

So go ahead and call me a Wussy, but be prepared – the Macho Man in me just might kick your butt. Call me a Metrosexual, and I might stand up for what I believe and respectfully tell you that you're wrong. Call me Average, and I'll answer to it every time.

* I know, I know: ladies are very different from each other also, but that discussion will be saved for a later date, if I ever venture to tackle it at all.


Monday, March 12, 2012

Poems For Your Perusal: More Alpha Poetry

If you read this post a few days ago, you already know what Alpha Poetry is. If not, click on the link in the previous sentence and be introduced to the concept behind these "flash poems".  Here's a new cycle I came up with recently. Hope you enjoy them...

Apart from you
I am complete.
With you
I am full.
Either way
I'm doing okay.

Buy one get one
At half price
Does that work
With hearts, too?

Clap if you like it
Groan if you hate it
But you must react
So they can know
How to feel
About their efforts.

Dust off your boots
Step out the door
And keep walking.
But keep trying!
One slammed door
Does not mean
You failed.

Everybody says
They are fine
When the truth is
No one is fine.
Everybody lies
Because the truth is
Too scary to face.

Flip a coin
If it lands
On heads
So will you.
If it lands
On tails
Down you go.
If it never lands
You'll know
It was never
Meant to be.

Get a life
But don't take
Someone else's
I'm sure they
Have plans for it.
And shortening it
Was likely not
One of them.

Hope you have
A wonderful day
Or that at least
No one spits
In your face
Because that
Is a terrible way
To spend a birthday.
(Speaking from experience)

In the event
Of an actual emergency
I'll be the first one
Out the door.
Fend for yourself
Or give up
But don't expect me
To save you.
This is retribution.

Jeering voices
You should have
Bought the chocolate
Instead. Don't they
Always prefer it?
What were you thinking?

Keep looking up
And you're likely
To get guano
In your eye
And that's sure
To get you down.

Lisping speech
Hard to decipher
What she's saying.
But it sounds like
An apology.
I'm thorry too.

Maybe I should have
Paid better attention
When you said you
Were done. I thought
You meant your breakfast.
But you haven't returned
So I'm guessing I was wrong.

Not what I expected.
Better! Life is full
Of surprises sometimes.
Usually bad ones
But sometimes good ones too.
I should be less pessimistic.

Overwhelming me
With honesty!
There's only so much
Truth I can take
In one sitting.
Tell me a lie or two.
I need time to recover.

Possible answers
Yes, no, never, always
What will you say?
I am impatient.

Quicker than before
You seem to be getting
The hang of it.
I wish I were
A faster learner.

Rising cost of living
Means less in my pocket.
Except for lint
Which always multiplies
And is never affected
By inflation.
What I wouldn't give
To be lint.

Sustaining that kind of productivity
For more than a week denotes
Superhumanity. Stop making us
Look bad already! We're doing
The best we can with gnarled hands.

This is not the right time
To be discussing this.
People are staring.
You're making a spectacle.
Please, can we talk about this
Later? We could have coffee
And settle our differences.
Why does it always have to be
A big production? I get it.
You've always wanted to direct.

Undoubtedly you think
That your master plan
Is foolproof. Well, it isn't.
I found several flaws
And I'm as big a fool
As anyone else.

Vague references
To unsolved crimes
Number one suspect
But how did he do it?
He lied.

Went to town. Be back
In a bit. Take what you
Need. Leave the money
On the counter. I trust
You. See that it's not
Misplaced. Or I may
Have to come back and
Tear you limb from limb.

Xylophone music
Playing in the background
Who'd have ever thought
You could bob your head
To clink-clink-clink-clink?
But there's no mistaking it
That song is catchy.

Yes, I did call you earlier.
I was trying to find out
If you got my message.
You know the one I mean.
When I said I never wanted
To speak to you again?
Yeah? Well, I changed my mind.

Zip your lip
No one must know
Until it is time.
Useless to worry
About possibilities.