Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Songs With Questions In The Titles, Vol. 1: WHO?

This is the first in what will be a six-part miniseries, each post featuring 10 different songs with a question in their titles. First up, songs with "WHO?" in the title. Enjoy!  ~  JH

1)  The Who  ~  "Who Are You?"

2)  Shania Twain  ~  "Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under?"

3)  Jessie J  ~  "Who's Laughing Now?"

4)  Fred Figglehorn  ~  "Who's Ready To Party?"

5)  Jewel  ~  "Who Will Save Your Soul?"

6)  Gnarls Barkley  ~  "Who's Gonna Save My Soul?"

7)  Lily Allen  ~  "Who'd Have Known?"

8)  Bon Jovi  ~  "Who Says You Can't Go Home?"

9)  Selena Gomez & The Scene  ~  "Who Says?"

10)  Men At Work  ~  "Who Can It Be Now?"

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Story # 51: "The Terrible Things"

These things happen, but they don't have to. The terrible things pull us closer together, but if that's what it takes, then maybe we're better off apart.

Why, though, can't we find common ground in the face of no tragedy at all? Why can we not laugh with each other as well as grieve? There's certainly much about ourselves at which to laugh.

Instead we bash each other relentlessly, butting heads and locking horns with our fellow man, just for the sake of argument. What's so wrong with not being right all the time? What's so right with pointing out others' wrongs?

What happened was awful, and no amount of rhetoric or posturing or suppositions will change that fact. Yet no amount of harmony will make it go away. True, it may dull the pain, but can never completely heal it.

I don't have all the answers, but I do have more questions than usual. Like, when is it okay to take a life? Before birth, in self-defense, in times of war, or on a whim? Or never?

The terrible things make me question what's real, what's important, and what I can't live without. But why is it only in times like these that I make these considerations?

I'm not ashamed to say that I don't know.

Story # 50: "Making Sense"

Every now and then, I feel a good stream of consciousness flowing through me. That's when barely coherent nonsense like this flows from my fingers. The only theme here – there's really not a story – is that each sentence (or pair of sentences) contains one word in particular which then forms the basis of the next sentence (or pair of sentences). Nothing but that word ties the thoughts together. In the end, it all comes full circle. Sort of. So hang on and enjoy it if you can.  ~  JH


I underestimated you. You cost much more than I originally thought. Thoughts should appear like speech balloons above our heads. Maybe then we wouldn't have to repent so much. As much as I'd like to believe that there is life on other planets, I find it hard to fathom that aliens could be any weirder than us. Weird things happen to good people, but they know how to deal with them better, fighting strange with strangers. You're much better off than you think you are – you ate breakfast, didn't you? I didn't think far enough ahead, and now I'm behind the times and counting the days. The day you realize that you're in over your head is the day I'll drag you out by your hair. So don't get a crew cut anytime soon. Anytime is better than never, which is usually when I arrive. Arrival and departure times don't mean as much as they used to. They're more like estimates – underestimates, at that.

Story # 49: "In All Likelihood"

I think you'll quickly figure out the inspiration for this one. It is a work of fiction, but I think there's a lot of truth in it. ~ JH


We never found out who did it – the scoundrels got away with it! – though not through lack of trying on our part. We scoured the area thoroughly, not just for hours but for days, to no avail. It was hopeless.

Somewhere out there, in all likelihood now far away from here, they are alive and well, gloating in the fact that they've made their escape, from their capture and our punishment. We sincerely hope, unabashedly and unrepentantly, that their lives are short-lived.

Perhaps the abominable absconders will cross paths with a runaway truck or a falling piano at just the right moment. Perhaps, in a twist of divine irony, they will fall victim to a senseless crime much like the one they perpetrated. Or maybe there is no justice, and they will live to see their children and grandchildren grow up.

In all likelihood, they will carry on with their lives, however long the duration, without ever again reflecting on the ones they took. They will watch the harrowing news stories and smile silently. They will see the pictures of the victims and casually walk away. But they will not regret. In all likelihood, they will forget – not the event itself, never that, but the extent of the event, the extinction of innocence.

As for us, in a day or two, once a bigger story takes its place, perhaps when a familiar face from stage or screen gives birth, marries, or overdoses, we will stare transfixed, in wonder and amazement. And we will stop searching, we will stop remembering, we will stop grieving.

Perhaps that is the greatest tragedy of all.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Songs With "LOVE" In The Title (All By Christian Artists)

1)  The Afters  ~  "Beautiful Love"

2)  Audrey Assad  ~  "For Love Of You"

3)  BarlowGirl  ~  "I Need You To Love Me"

4)  Beckah Shae  ~  "#putyourloveglasseson"

5)  Chris Tomlin  ~  "Love"

6)  Dara MacLean  ~  "What Love Looks Like"

7)  David Crowder*Band  ~  "How He Loves"

8)  An Epic, No Less  ~  "Echo Of Love"

9)  Esterlyn  ~  "Everyday Your Love Is New"

10)  Group 1 Crew  ~  "His Kind Of Love"

11)  Hawk Nelson  ~  "Crazy Love"

12)  Jason Gray  ~  "More Like Falling In Love"

13)  Jimmy Needham  ~  "Forgiven And Loved"

14)  JJ Heller  ~  "What Love Really Means"

15)  Leeland  ~  "Love Is On The Move"

16)  Mat Kearney  ~  "Closer To Love"

17)  Matt Maher  ~  "My Only Love"

18)  Mikeschair  ~  "You Loved Me First"

19)  Phil Wickham  ~  "True Love"

20)  Sho Baraka  ~  "Higher Love"

21)  Sidewalk Prophets  ~  "You Love Me Anyway"

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interesting Quotes By People Whose Last Name Starts With "Q"

1)  "We rarely grow when we're happy. We grow when we're hurt."  ~  Maggie Q, actress

2)  "Because my love for you is beyond words, I decided to shut up."  ~  Nizar Qabbani, diplomat

3)  "Though bitter, good medicine cures illness. Though it may hurt, loyal criticism will have beneficial effects."  ~  Sima Qian, historian

4)  "Having money is rather like being a blond. It is more fun but not vital."  ~  Mary Quant, fashion designer

5)  "The sufficiency of merit is to know that my merit is not sufficient."  ~  Francis Quarles, poet

6)  "War forces men to change their standards, regardless of whether their country has won or lost."  ~  Salvatore Quasimodo, author

7)  "To understand a man, you must know his memories. The same is true of a nation."  ~  Anthony Quayle, actor

8)  "What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is."  ~  Dan Quayle, politician

9)  "Your present circumstances don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."  ~  Nido Qubein, businessman

10)  "Religions tend to disappear with man's good fortune."  ~ Raymond Queneau, poet

11)  "The truth only irritates those it enlightens, but does not convert."  ~  Pasquier Quesnel, theologian

12)  "Politics is the art of postponing decisions until they are no longer relevant."  ~  Henri Queuille, politician

13)  "In short, not only are things not what they seem, they are not even what they are called!"  ~  Francisco de Quevedo, writer

14)  "In life, particularly in public life, pyschology is more powerful than logic."  ~  Ludwig Quidde, critic

15)  "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge; an argument an exchange of ignorance."  ~ Robert Quillen, journalist

16)  "It is not wise to be wiser than is necessary."  ~  Philippe Quinault, dramatist

17)  "In many walks of life, a conscience is a more expensive encumbrance than a wife or a carriage."  ~  Thomas de Quincey, author

18)  "Ideas are only lethal if you suppress and don't discuss them. Ignorance is not bliss, it's stupid."  ~  Anna Quindlen, author

19)  "Meaning is what essence becomes when it is divorced from the object of reference and wedded to the word."  ~  Willard Van Orman Quine, philosopher

20)  "What we share with another ceases to be our own."  ~  Edgar Quinet, historian

21)  "In a world where there is so much sadness and so much to be afraid of, good things do happen to people. Romance is still something we can find even if we're not consciously looking for it."  ~  Kathleen Quinlan, actress

22)  "Make them laugh, and then make them listen."  ~  Aidan Quinn, actor

23)  "I have lived in a flurry of images, but I will go out in a freeze frame."  ~  Anthony Quinn, actor

24)  "I think everyone should own six guns, even though I don't own any."  ~  Colin Quinn, comedian

25)  "The shortest period of time lies between the minute you put some money away for a rain and the unexpected arrival of rain."  ~  Jane Bryant Quinn, journalist

26)  "Whilst we deliberate how to begin a thing, it grows too late to begin it."  ~  Quintilian, educator

27)  "I believe in the power of intention to change the landscape of our society – and it is my intention to live an authentic life of compassion and integrity and action."  ~  Zachary Quinto, actor

28)  "I've seen the future, and it's much like the present – only longer."  ~  Dan Quisenberry, baseball player

29)  "Too many people don't do things for fear of falling. You'll never get good unless you fall. Experiences and new accomplishments are feelings we should never lose."  ~  Robin Quivers, radio personality

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Songs By Bands With Numbers In Their Names

My earlier post today included a song by Maroon 5, which got me thinking...how many bands with numbers in their names are out there putting out good music? As it turns out, there were quite a few. Here's just a sampling of what I found, in ascending chronological order...

1)  OneRepublic  ~  "All The Right Moves"

2)  U2  ~  "Beautiful Day"

3)  3 Doors Down  ~  "It's Not My Time"

4)  4 Non Blondes  ~  "What's Up"

5)  Ben Folds Five  ~  "Brick"

6)  Eve 6  ~  "Inside Out"

7)  Seven Mary Three  ~  "Cumbersome"  (Two different numbers in one band name – nifty!)

8)  Hot 8 Brass Band  ~  "Ghost Town"

9)  Nine Inch Nails  ~  "We're In This Together"

10)  10CC  ~  "I'm Not In Love"  (Wait, this song again? Apparently so.)

11)  Matchbox Twenty  ~  "3AM"

12)  30 Seconds To Mars  ~  "Closer To The Edge"

13)  38 Special  ~  "Caught Up In You"

14)  UB40  ~  "The Earth Dies Screaming"

15)  98 Degrees  ~  "The Hardest Thing"

16)  blink-182  ~  "Adam's Song"

17)  311  ~  "Down"

18)  Building 429  ~  "Listen To The Sound"

19)  Thousand Foot Krutch  ~  "Move"

20)  10,000 Maniacs  ~  "These Are Days"

Songs By Bands With Colors In Their Names

1)  The Black Keys  ~  "Lonely Boy"

2)  P!nk  ~  "Please Don't Leave Me"

3)  Zac Brown Band  ~  "Colder Weather"

4)  Christina Marie Magenta  ~  "Burn"

5)  Maroon 5  ~  "She Will Be Loved"

6)  Indigo Girls  ~  "Closer To Fine"

7)  Blue Man Group ft. Dave Matthews  ~  "Sing Along"

8)  Kellee Maize  ~  "La La Love"

9)  Green Day  ~  "Good Riddance (The Time Of Your Life)"

10)  Naomi Lavender  ~  "Fair Weather"

11)  Blind Melon  ~  "Three Is A Magic Number"

12)  Olive  ~  "I'm Not In Love"

13)  Goldfinger  ~  "99 Red Balloons"

14)  Hanna Salmon  ~  "July"

15)  Deep Purple  ~  "Smoke On The Water"

16)  Sepiamusic  ~  "Crazy Burn"

17)  Simply Red  ~  "Holding Back The Years"

18)  Guns N' Roses  ~  "November Rain"

19)  Mahogany Jones  ~  "Hold Me"

20)  Silverchair  ~  "Tomorrow"