Sunday, August 12, 2012

Strange Quotes By People Named Kate

Don't ask why I came up with this topic for today. Because I couldn't tell you why. It's a post, it's somewhat interesting, just take it at face value. Enjoy?

1)  "Jam! I love my jam. I've just had a batch of it come through. I've been making it."  ~  Kate Moss, supermodel

2)  "I've always felt that anorexia was the form of breakdown most readily available to adolescent girls."  ~  Kate Beckinsale, actress

3)  "There are some people who leave impressions not so lasting as the imprint of an oar upon the water."  ~  Kate Chopin, author

4)  "I think quotes are very dangerous things."  ~  Kate Bush, singer

5)  "Psychiatry causes so much death."  ~  Kate Millett, activist

6)  "I think it's just so fabulous to laugh. I don't mind if people think either. I think the brain is a very sexy organ."  ~  Kate Clinton, comedienne

7)  "There's more to life than cheek bones."  ~  Kate Winslet, actress

8)  "I'm superstitious...but not like wear-the-same-underwear-for-two-weeks superstitious."  ~  Kate Hudson, actress

9)  "I have a Bachelor of Arts in English, which means I had a lot of formal training in reading."  ~  Kate DiCamillo, author

10)  "By far the best dressing-up outfit I ever had was a wonderful pair of clown dungarees, which my Granny made."  ~  Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Stealing My Sister-In-Law's Blog Post Topic: "Things I Am Grateful For"

You may have my read the recent post in which my sister-in-law, Leigh Ann Cordes, guest-blogged for me while I was on vacation. If not, you should check it out here. Go ahead, I'll wait...

Anyway, I went to sleep last night thinking about the same topic she explored in her post: Things I Am Grateful For.

While my list may not be an original idea -- in fact, it's a blatantly stolen idea -- it's something I don't think about nearly enough. So here's my list of things I am grateful for:

A God who loves me even when I'm an embarrassment to Him (which happens all too often)

A wife who loves me even when I'm an idiot (which also happens all too often)

The child who's growing inside her, whom I haven't met yet but I already love

A healthy pregnancy thus far

Three cats who love me even when I forget to change their water often enough

A good job that pays me to write (about clothes, not random stuff like in this blog)

A house to live in, even if I don't love it, and even if I wish it would, now

A good church that feels like home, with an excellent pastoral staff who seem like family

Boulevard Bagel's breakfast special (with bacon and cheddar cheese on a jalapeno cheddar bagel)

Two cars that run well

Good music that gets me moving, calms my mood, or soothes my soul (whichever I need at the time)

Netflix and Redbox (when I need to be entertained)

Parents who love me even when I don't call them as often I should or spend as much time with them as I'd like

Being able to lead the drama productions at church

My CPAP machine, which keeps me from dying in my sleep and reduces my chances of having a stroke early on in life

Spending time with friends -- the ones I've had and kept since I was a child, and the ones I've made more recently

Books, both printed and electronic

Going to a baseball game

Cilantro, because it's yummy

Coffee, with Splenda and flavored creamer

Lazy days, indoors or outdoors

The Internet, even when it takes up too much of my time (which is my fault, not the Internet's)

Funny-looking animals, because they make me feel a little better about how I look

Frozen yogurt

Words (like, a lot!)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Things I Find Fascinating: Funny School Signs And Science Fair Projects

In honor of (or in spite of) school starting back soon for teachers and students, I present this just-for-fun collection of school-related humor. As far as I know, all of these are real. I gathered them from various places on the web. Hope you enjoy!

P.S. Don't take a big gulp of water or any other beverage while reading this -- you might end up spitting it all over your computer, tablet, or cell phone (or whatever device you're reading this on). Enjoy!


I worry that something is missing here...

Hey, isn't that why we pay our taxes, so the teachers can do it for us?

I'm not sending my kid to this school.

You wanna try that again?

Now that's just cruel!

I've heard of teaching kids a trade, but this is ridiculous!

I'm pretty sure that's illegal.

Stay in "SCHOOL," or you'll end up being the guy who was responsible for this embarrassment.


Moron University. This does not instill confidence...

They're taking higher learning to a whole 'nother level!

This was the name that won. "Wuss Boy" was the runner-up.

I'm guessing that this school has been the -- well, butt -- of lots of jokes.

Why? Just why?


I don't even want to know his conclusion. This just makes me mad!

Oh, dear me, this is not going to end well for anyone!

She wanted to do "How Do You Make Orientals?", but they said that would be racist.

Oh, that's just awful!

The better question might be: "Why does Mommy keep baking cakes?"

Get 'em while they're juicy! This guy's sure excited about 'em!

I bet they smell like juicy beans...

And while we've got our minds in the toilet...

One more for old time's sake!

This is how Ted Bundy got started, ya know?

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Words I Wish I Wrote: The Wit, Wisdom, And Weirdness Of Yogi Berra

Yogi Berra

Besides having an oddball name (though his real first name is Lawrence), former Major League Baseball catcher Yogi Berra has a, shall we say, unique way of looking at the world. Berra is probably the most quotable character that the game of baseball (and probably any sport) has ever known.

You might have heard all of these quotes before. Maybe only some of them. Perhaps none of them. (Where have you been?) Whatever your experience or exposure to the twisted imaginings of Mr. Berra, I'm sure you'll find something to laugh at here. If not, you may want to check your pulse.

"A nickel ain't worth a dime anymore."

"Baseball is ninety percent mental,
and the other half is physical."

"Always go to other people's funerals,
otherwise they won't come to yours."

"I just want to thank everyone
who made this day necessary."

"I'm not going to buy my kids
an encyclopedia. Let them
walk to school like I did."

"If the world was perfect,
it wouldn't be."

"If you come to a fork
in the road, take it."

"If you don't know where you're going,
you might end up someplace else."

"In theory, there is no difference between
theory and practice. In practice, there is."

"The future ain't what it used to be."

"So I'm ugly. So what? I never
saw anyone hit with his face."

"Nobody goes there anymore.
It's too crowded."

"It's like déja vu, all over again."

"It ain't the heat, it's the humility."

"You can observe a lot by just watching."

"I never said most of the things I said."